About Me

Kris Hewitt

Genetic Genealogist


I have helped many people learn the identities of birth parents using their DNA matches.

Here is what some of them have said about my DNA services:

“Thanks for all of your help Kris! You really delivered and quickly!" - Shannon, July 2021

“You gave me peace of mind finding my father. Seeing my tree unfold has been very amazing and fun.” - Emily, Sept 2021

Here is what some of them have said about my genealogy services:

"You have brought so much new information into my life, I can not thank you enough "

"Wonderful research and report unbelievably quickly. I can't believe that you were able to find out so much information about my family AND still give us leads to go on should we choose to go back even further than 10 generations! Thank you so much for an outstanding job, Kris - and for keeping me informed during the process! If you ever need a reference, please let me know... I'm 100% behind you! "

"I am very pleased with the work that Kris had done. I am beyond impressed. She is highly recommended! "

"Quick and professional service. Thanks so much! "

"Very pleased, very. Thanks. "

"Very happy with the work that was done. "

"Kris did an absolutely excellent job and I am very pleased with her effort. Once some of my documentation is in place I plan to hire her again to wrap everything up. -Jenny "

"I would like to thank Kristina for an excellent service. I would have no hesitation in recommending her for expert help and research. I will be contacting her again in the very near future to obtain more information and help for me. "

"Once again my expectations were exceeded!"

"Wonderful completed report. I am AMAZED at all the information....THANK YOU"

"Kris is the greatest thing that has happened to our ancestral investigations "

"My researcher was excellent. She confirmed many, many questions I had and put many puzzle pieces together. Thank you Kris. "


Over 25 Years of Experience in Genealogy Research, specializing in identifying unknown birth parents.