My Personal Journey: Solving the Mystery of My Birth Father with DNA

My journey to find my birth father was fueled by a life-long curiosity about my biological roots and a desire to understand my past. Through DNA testing and genealogy research, I eventually discovered the truth about my father's identity, and in the process, gained the skills and knowledge that inspired me to create FindBirthParentsWithDNA. In this blog post, I'll share my personal story and the emotional journey I experienced while searching for my biological family.

A Tangled Family History

Growing up, my mother told me that my father was a man named Daryl Foster, whom she had been married to when I was a baby. Although they divorced when I was four, I retained some memories of Daryl. However, my mother's story was often inconsistent and unclear, which led me to question her claims about my father's identity.

Over the years, I did extensive research into what I believed was my paternal family, but the information my mother provided didn't always add up. After moving to Vancouver, BC, I met members of the Foster family, who couldn't confirm if Daryl was my father or not. My doubts only grew stronger after my mother passed away in 2008, prompting me to take a DNA test to finally answer the question of my father's identity.

Navigating the World of Genetic Genealogy

In 2011, I ordered a DNA kit from 23andMe, hoping that my extensive genealogy research would help me make sense of the results. I quickly realized, however, that the world of genetic genealogy was still very new, and my DNA matches were too distant to draw any conclusions. Determined to find the truth, I asked my sister and other relatives to take DNA tests so I could separate my maternal and paternal matches. The results revealed that my sister was, in fact, my half-sister, providing a clue that my mother may have been hiding the truth about my father.

Over the following weeks, I analyzed my DNA matches, contacted potential relatives, and researched every detail about using autosomal DNA. I also updated my blog posts about my mother, hoping to connect with someone who might know more about my father's identity.

The Breakthrough: Meeting My Biological Father

Eventually, a man contacted me, claiming that he was my father. He knew my mother well and shared intimate details that I had deliberately left out of my blog posts. He agreed to take a DNA test, and a few weeks later, the results confirmed that he was indeed my biological father. We met in person shortly after, and I even got to meet my paternal grandmother, who was also a genealogist.

Discovering the truth about my father's identity was a life-changing experience, and it also introduced me to two half-sisters on my father's side. Although I may never know why my mother lied to me for all those years, I am grateful to have finally connected with my biological family.

Helping Others Unravel Their Own Mysteries

Since solving the mystery of my birth father, I've continued to use my knowledge of genetic genealogy to help others find their biological families. I've assisted many clients in discovering their true family connections, witnessing happy reunions and success stories along the way. As a professional genealogist, I am dedicated to helping others on their journey of self-discovery while ensuring their stories remain confidential.

If you're seeking answers about your own biological roots or wish to share your story, please feel free to reach out. Together, we can uncover the truth about your family history and celebrate the connections that make us who we are.


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