- All blog/website posts reflect my actual opinions either good or bad about a product, service, company, etc.

- Links/banners may be paid affiliate links in which I would get a commission if you purchased/subscribed etc. This does not raise how much you pay for the product/service. I do appreciate it when I benefit from affiliate links.

- Any genealogy-related company, service, or product is welcome to contact me and send me their book, website, etc to review. If I like it, I'll likely post something good about it. If I don't like it, I'll likely post that too, likely with what would have made me like it and/or why I didn’t like it.

- All opinions on my blog and websites are my own, and not necessarily the opinion of any other person or company, or organization with whom I may be associated.

- I accept/have accepted free products from many companies some of whom I list here:

-- I am a volunteer curator at Geni.com and have received items from them as well as some free access to things at Geni and MyHeritage

- I have in the past sold databases to Ancestry.com and also was a provider of research services at Expert Connect when Ancestry.com ran that program, and I have paid affiliate links from Ancestry.com

Disclosure Statement